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  • 5,00 € - 52,00 €



  • Libri e riviste
  • Jeppesen
  • Carte Aeronautiche
    <p>Il corredo di volo di un buon pilota deve sempre includere buone carte aeronautiche, aggiornate. Noi possiamo garantire entrambe queste qualità. Le carte per volo a vista sono in scala 1:500.000. Prodotte dalla Jeppesen, forniamo carte per il volo IFR a Bassa Quota E(LO) Charts ed IFR ad Alta Quota E(HI) Charts. Abbiamo pure disponibili le ottime carte aeronautiche VFR (Avioportolano). Sono in scala 1:500.000 e sono adatte sia per piloti di aereo che per piloti VDS.</p>
  • Accessori per Piloti
    <p>Gli accessori per piloti rappresentano una parte molto consistente del nostro catalogo ed includono tutti quei prodotti concepiti per rendere più agevole la vita del pilota. Essi spaziano dai cosciali Jeppesen Tri-Fold e Three-Ring Tri-Fold, ed alla innovativa gamma della Design 4 Pilots (in particolare il cosciale per gli iPad). Ma non va sminuita l’utilità del Yoke Clip, dell’Organizer, del Porta -Radio, del Porta-Timer e delle Clips Porta-Matite. Per quanto riguarda i Libretti Volo, abbiamo tutti i tipi più diffusi: il Professional European Logbook, i Pilot Logbook, il Professional Pilot Logbook, il classico Libretto di Volo italiano, non che le relative copertine in pelle, le custodie in tessuto per il Logbook. Le borse sono indispensabili a tutti i piloti per avere sempre a portata di mano ciò che occorre per il volo. Molti sono gli eccellenti modelli prodotti dalla Jeppesen : Premium, Airline (tutte in cuoio); la Aviator Bag, la Captain Bag, la Navigator Bag e la Book/Student Bag (tutte realizzate in robusto tessuto heavy-duty). La Design 4 Pilots produce i modelli Crosscountry, Airliner, Daily (tutte in robustissimo tessuto). Anche se non appartenenti alla dotazione personale del pilota, ma di grande aiuto nella fase di atterraggio e decollo, le maniche a vento da sempre le forniamo ad aeroporti e campi di volo. Le abbiamo disponibili in sette lunghezze, da 1 metro a 6 metri.</p>
  • Cuffie aeronautiche
    <p>Le cuffie radiofoniche rappresentano un importantissimo fattore di sicurezza per il pilota (attenzione al volo, attenuazione del rumore ed ottimizzazione delle comunicazioni). Da sempre siamo i distributori dei migliori modelli esistenti sul mercato: David Clark (H 10-30, H 10-66, H 10-76, H 20-10, H 10-13 X ANR, H 10-13.4, H11 ANR e 10A insonorizzante); ASE (GA e GA ANR). La nostra scelta di accessori per le cuffie  molto vasta: spinotti, cappucci copri-microfono, protezioni in gomma e tessuto per gli auricolari, interfonici, push-to-talk switch, convertitore di impedenza PA 89 US, due modelli di interfaccia Radio-Cellulare.</p>
  • CD, DVD e Simulazione
  • Oggettistica
    <p>E’ una fascia molto ampia di prodotti, che vanno dai bellissimi orologi da polso (Raid, Spirit of St. Louis), agli orologi da parete con soggetti aeronautici, ai distintivi di reparto, ai calendari e poster con attraenti soggetti aeronautici, ai piccoli ma bellissimi modellini di aerei (in metallo) della Clivedon.</p>
  • Abbigliamento
    <p>Fin dall’inizio della nostra attività commerciale, abbiamo dedicato particolare attenzione al settore dell’abbigliamento aeronautico. I prodotti da noi proposti si sono col tempo moltiplicati fino a coprire una soddisfacente gamma che va dall’abbigliamento professionale a quello generico. Il primo settore, ciò quello professionale, consiste in una scelta mirata di prodotti, di cui citiamo i più comuni: camicie da pilota. gradi per piloti, gradi per giacca, maglie tipo NATO, cravatte per piloti in seta color nero, aquilette (brevetti) metalliche dorate. Il secondo settore di prodotti  dedicato agli appassionati d’aviazione in generale e comprende: Giubbotti da pilota dei seguenti tipi: modello i pelle A.M. CWU americano, B-15 Americano, felpe italiane color blu scuro, con aquila da pilota. Magliette in cotone di produzione americana, con una grande varietà di soggetti aeronautici, sia civili che militari. Cappellini tipo baseball in lana / poliestere oppure cotone, con una grande varietà di soggetti aeronautici.</p>
  • Strumenti Navigazione Aerea
  • Offerte Speciali
  • Modellismo
    <p>Oltre all'ampia scelta di libri storici monografici che rappresentano una splendida fonte d’informazione per scopi modellistici e di altri libri prettamente modellistici (italiani e stranieri), siamo i distributori esclusivi della Collana di Tecnica Aeromodellistica dell’Ing. Galè. Siamo inoltre distributori dei disegni costruttivi di modelli volanti della VTH. Abbiamo disponibile una buona scelta di modelli statici di aerei in plastica (già montati).</p>
  • Materiale per Aeroporti
  • Materiale d'epoca
  • Link utili

Filtri attivi

  • Categorie: SCI NAUTICO
  • Categorie: Varie edizioni
  • Categorie: Windsock International
Frecce Tricolori
  • Prezzo scontato
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

Frecce Tricolori

Prezzo base 42,00 € -30% Prezzo 29,40 €

Da Campoformido a Rivolto. Le Frecce Tricolori sono la massima espressione dell'acrobazia aerea Italiana. Questo splendido volume ne descrive ed illustra la storia dalle loro origini ai giorni nostri. Anno dopo anno viene descritta l'attività delle varie pattuglie, su un'ampia gamma di velivoli (CR-32, Spitfire, vampire, Thunderjets, Thunderstreak), fino...

Topped Gun: Requiem For The Skyhawk
  • Prezzo scontato
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

Topped Gun: Requiem For The Skyhawk

Prezzo base 52,00 € -50% Prezzo 26,00 €

Topped Gun: Requiem For The Skyhawk When the Skyhawk jet fighters entered the Royal NZ Air Force in 1970 to become the country's premier air combat force, politics played heavily into the controversial decision. Designed to appeal beyond the pure aviation enthusiast, readers are given a brief history of events leading up to the purchase of the Skyhawks,...

The Highs and Lows of Flying
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

The Highs and Lows of Flying

Prezzo 18,90 €

The Highs and Lows of Flying by Harvey Mace. Harvey writes with skill and humour about his half century of unusual and interesting accomplishments in aviation. A flight leader in the Cracker Jack 357th fighter Group in WWII, a post war crop duster and an experimental aircraft enthusiast who designed and flew his own aircraft, including the famous "Mace...

Attack and Interceptor Jets
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

Attack and Interceptor Jets

Prezzo 12,00 €

Attack and Interceptor Jets is a 320 page book featuring 300 of the world's greatest military jet aircraft. This compendium of the most important and influential military jet aircraft covers aircraft that have flown since World War II, including such famous aircraft as the Messerschmitt Me 262, English Electric Lightning, Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, and the...

Classic Airplanes
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

Classic Airplanes

Prezzo 23,00 €

Classic Airplanes Pioneering Aircraft and the Visionaries Who Built Them 144 pages Ever since Orville and Wilbur Wright tested their flying machine on the sands of Kitty Hawk, designers, builders and pilots have striven to take their planes farther, faster, higher. Presented on the beautiful, large, color pages are the stories and images of 22 of...

Illustrated Anatomy of the World's Fighters
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

Illustrated Anatomy of the World's Fighters

Prezzo 36,50 €

Product Description More than 100 of the world's most potent fighter aircraft are depicted in superbly detailed cutaway drawings: from the canvas-and-string contraptions of World War I to the amazing stealth fighters that are taking air combat into the 21st century. Accompanied by fascinating technical and developmental descriptions, each drawing reveals...

WWII American War Eagles: 1937-1942
  • Prezzo scontato
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

WWII American War Eagles: 1937-1942

Prezzo base 52,00 € -28,85% Prezzo 37,00 €

America's Arsenal of Democracy, Vol. 1. Warren Bodie. Never-before-published Kodachrome photography documents the U.S. aviation industry during the period when America was transformed from a sleeping giant into the world's most concerted war machine. Readers witness the development and testing of amazing new warbirds - both those that became legends and...

America's Mighty Eighth Air Force
  • Prezzo scontato
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

America's Mighty Eighth Air Force

Prezzo base 52,00 € -28,85% Prezzo 37,00 €

By: by Warren Bodie Conception to D-Day. The Eighth Air Force rose from a small cadre of young men to a fierce fighting force that ultimately destroyed Germany's ability to wage war. USAF veteran Warren Bodie delves deep into his immense photographic collection to reveal the history of the men, the units and the machines that banded together to...

Snakes in the Cockpit: Images of Military Aviation Disasters
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

Snakes in the Cockpit: Images of Military...

Prezzo 32,50 €

By: L. Douglas Keeney 120 pgs, SB, 10.5 x 10, illustrations & photos. Formerly classified, restricted, and never-before published photographs combine to deliver this exciting assortment of incredible military flight mishaps. You’ve seen his extraordinary photos before in his best-selling book Gun Camera World War II. Now, after five years of intensive...

Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2


Prezzo 17,50 €

The book begins with a history of modern bombers, from the USA's Boeing B-47 Stratojet and the Soviet Union's Tupolevs of the Cold War through to the Lockheed Martin F-117A Nighthawk and the Panavia Tornado of the Gulf Wars. There are anecdotes about the personalities involved in bomber development and combat, with fascinating quotes from political...

Modern Fighter Aircraft
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

Modern Fighter Aircraft

Prezzo 17,50 €

Product Description This book consists of an A-Z of modern fighters, from 1945 to the present day. From the propeller-driven Hawker SEa Fury to the jet-powered Eurofighter Typhoon, all the principal post-war fighters are described, illustrated and analyzed. Product Details * Paperback: 128 pages * Publisher: Southwater (July 25, 2004) *...

Polikarpov R-5 et RZ
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

Polikarpov R-5 et RZ

Prezzo 18,00 €

Polikarpov R-5 et RZ Mikhail Maslov Development and history. These planes took part in Spanish Civil War and were still used in the beginning of WWII. More than 120 pictures, complete plans, color profils. 64 pages , size 21 x 29,7 cm, softcover.

A Quest for Wings, From Tail-Gunner to Pilot (RAF)
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

A Quest for Wings, From Tail-Gunner to Pilot (RAF)

Prezzo 31,50 €

By: By Larry Donnelly Larry Donnelly joined the RAF in 1937 nurturing an ambition to become a pilot. He initially trained as a wireless operator air-gunner and was flying in that capacity when war broke out in 1939. Although not yet a pilot he was in the air and survived many operational tours between 1939 and 1943 in Bomber and Coastal Commands...

LINE SHOOT Diary of a Fighter Pilot
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

LINE SHOOT Diary of a Fighter Pilot

Prezzo 23,40 €

Fighter pilots are the dashing, reckless heroes of the Second World War. These young men, eager to do their part, joined the Royal Air Force by the hundreds, until the Royal Canadian Air Force was able to form its own squadrons. Art Sager, aged twenty-four, joined the RCAF with a single purpose - to be a fighter pilot. This is an autobiographical account...

Airborne Espionage
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

Airborne Espionage

Prezzo 36,00 €

At the outbreak of WWI, the transport of spies across enemy lines by aircraft was not seen as a priority. By 1939 some nations had dedicated air units to fly agents, but 'Special Duties' were considered less glamorous than fighter and bomber operations. WWII saw the rapid growth of Allied and enemy infrastructures to support these operations. Operating in...

Front Row Center 2: Inside the World's Greatest Air Shows
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

Front Row Center 2: Inside the World's Greatest...

Prezzo 52,00 €

Front Row Center 2 is an all-new edition of the ground-breaking air show book of the same title featuring the world's most talented and well-known aerobatic pilots. Produced during the Centennial of Flight air show season of 2003, renowned aviation photographer and writer Erik Hildebrandt traveled as far as the south island of New Zealand and Japan to...

Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2


Prezzo 16,00 €

APACHE AH-64 BOEING (McDonnell Douglas) 1976-2005. (Bishop- Laurier). Descrive ed illustra l’impiego operativo del famoso elicottero d’attacco al suolo dell’ US Army. 185 x 250. P. 48. Foto b.n. / colori / viste e spaccato a colori dell’elicottero

Chasing Lewis And Clark Across America
Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2

Chasing Lewis And Clark Across America

Prezzo 45,00 €

Ron Lowery, Mary Walker Windsock Media, LLC, 2004 - 167 pagine. View a 22-minute selection of images from the book Chasing Lewis & Clark Across America and another 23 minutes of behind the scenes video. From virgin wilderness to cities, this photographic slide show--set to stirring music--is like a tightly woven tapestry of America. Video portion...

Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 2


Prezzo 20,00 €

(E. Kocent-Zielinski). Monografia ben illustrata del famoso caccia inglese della 1a G.M. Adattissima per scopi modellistici. 205 x 275. P. 62. Foto colori / b.n. , disegni 3-viste e tecnici..