
Achtung! Moskito!
  • Achtung! Moskito!

Achtung! Moskito!

Achtung! Moskito! RAF and USAAF Mosquito Fighters, Fighter-Bombers, and Bombers over the Third Reich 1941-1945 Martin W. Bowman Book Description Much has been written about the Mosquito, but this book features the young pilots and navigators who carried out daring operations against targets in Europe. Their stories are as compelling today as they were over sixty years ago at the height of World War II. The Mosquito was for many the perfect synthesis of power and beauty and arguably the most versatile of all Allied aircraft built during the Second World War. Yet three times the Mosquito project was deleted from Britain's future military plans, only to fight its way into the air and turn in performance figures that left fellow aircraft behind and its critics dumbfounded. Altogether, 7,781 examples of the 'Wooden Wonder' would be built in no less than forty-three versions. Bomber, day fighter, night fighter, pathfinder, attack aircraft, trainer, reconnaissance aircraft - the Mosquito did it all.
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Achtung! Moskito! RAF and USAAF Mosquito Fighters, Fighter-Bombers, and Bombers over the Third Reich 1941-1945 Martin W. Bowman Book Description Much has been written about the Mosquito, but this book features the young pilots and navigators who carried out daring operations against targets in Europe. Their stories are as compelling today as they were over sixty years ago at the height of World War II. The Mosquito was for many the perfect synthesis of power and beauty and arguably the most versatile of all Allied aircraft built during the Second World War. Yet three times the Mosquito project was deleted from Britain's future military plans, only to fight its way into the air and turn in performance figures that left fellow aircraft behind and its critics dumbfounded. Altogether, 7,781 examples of the 'Wooden Wonder' would be built in no less than forty-three versions. Bomber, day fighter, night fighter, pathfinder, attack aircraft, trainer, reconnaissance aircraft - the Mosquito did it all.
1 Articolo

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