
Air Pilot's Glossary and Reference Guide
  • Air Pilot's Glossary and Reference Guide

Air Pilot's Glossary and Reference Guide

Air Pilot's Glossary and Reference Guide - Bruford This is an essential book for pilots as it provides them with a quick and easy access to most points concerning flying a modern aircraft. The items are listed in alphabetical order and there is the most complete list of currently used aeronautical abbreviations ever published. The book includes everything that student pilot, a qualified PPL or career pilot training towards a CPL or IR will need.
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Air Pilot's Glossary and Reference Guide - Bruford This is an essential book for pilots as it provides them with a quick and easy access to most points concerning flying a modern aircraft. The items are listed in alphabetical order and there is the most complete list of currently used aeronautical abbreviations ever published. The book includes everything that student pilot, a qualified PPL or career pilot training towards a CPL or IR will need.
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