
Along the Tigris
  • Along the Tigris

Along the Tigris

"Along the Tigris" tells the story of 16,000 soldiers in combat, from the training grounds of Fort Campbell, through the toughest battles in the blitz of Baghdad to the Nineveh province, where the 101st Airborne Division anchored for eight months after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Without precedent or a plan, the division sketched the blueprint to win the peace as they went - rebuilding schools and health clinics, reestablishing the local infrastructure, standing up city governments and building trust with the local people. "Along the Tigris" gets beyond the headlines, telling the true story of the Army's most storied division in the Iraq war.
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"Along the Tigris" tells the story of 16,000 soldiers in combat, from the training grounds of Fort Campbell, through the toughest battles in the blitz of Baghdad to the Nineveh province, where the 101st Airborne Division anchored for eight months after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Without precedent or a plan, the division sketched the blueprint to win the peace as they went - rebuilding schools and health clinics, reestablishing the local infrastructure, standing up city governments and building trust with the local people. "Along the Tigris" gets beyond the headlines, telling the true story of the Army's most storied division in the Iraq war.
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