
ASA - Aeronautical Chart User's Guide
  • ASA - Aeronautical Chart User's Guide

ASA - Aeronautical Chart User's Guide

10 edizione. Un libro completo per la perfetta comprensione delle carte aeronautiche. Comprende tutte le nozioni necessarie per l'uso delle cartine di ns. possesso. Using and understanding aeronautical charts is an essential skill for every pilot. This updated 7th edition of the Aeronautical Chart User's Guide by the FAA's National Aeronautical Charting Office (NACO) is the definitive learning aid, reference document, and an introduction to the wealth of information provided on aeronautical charts and other NACO publications. Includes reference and legends for: # Visual Flight Rules (VFR) charts # Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) enroute charts # Terminal Procedures Publications (TPP) # Current airspace classes # Complete chart legends for all charts with explanations This guide is an excellent reference book for novice and experienced pilots alike. International pilots can also use this book as a means to familiarize themselves with U.S. charts.Soft cover, 8-1/2” x 11”, 73 pages.
19,50 €
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10 edizione. Un libro completo per la perfetta comprensione delle carte aeronautiche. Comprende tutte le nozioni necessarie per l'uso delle cartine di ns. possesso. Using and understanding aeronautical charts is an essential skill for every pilot. This updated 7th edition of the Aeronautical Chart User's Guide by the FAA's National Aeronautical Charting Office (NACO) is the definitive learning aid, reference document, and an introduction to the wealth of information provided on aeronautical charts and other NACO publications. Includes reference and legends for: # Visual Flight Rules (VFR) charts # Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) enroute charts # Terminal Procedures Publications (TPP) # Current airspace classes # Complete chart legends for all charts with explanations This guide is an excellent reference book for novice and experienced pilots alike. International pilots can also use this book as a means to familiarize themselves with U.S. charts.Soft cover, 8-1/2” x 11”, 73 pages.
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