
ASA Air Carrier Operation
  • ASA Air Carrier Operation

ASA Air Carrier Operation

Whether a Part 121 airline or a Part 135 charter operator, a company lives or dies by its compliance with the applicable Federal Aviation Regulations or FARs (14 CFR). Air Carrier Operations introduces students of aviation to the significant FARs affecting airline operations. Students and professionals gain an appreciation of the variety of regulatory issues involved in air carrier operations and gather the background information they need to identify relevant regulations and apply them A sophomore/junior level college text, ideal for Air Carrier Flight Operations or Airline Operations courses, this book examines the many regulations governing an air carrier and focuses primarily on Part 121 air carriers, though coverage includes Part 119 and relevant portions of Parts 135, 91 and 61 of the FAR. The text emphasizes Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight operations; therefore, students and pilots should have an instrument rating before undertaking study of this book. This book also provides excellent preparation for airline interviews and initial training. TABLE OF CONTENTS: What is an Air Carrier Operations Specifications: Development & Application Airline Organization: Required Management Positions Operating Manuals: Requirement For and Development of FAR 121: Subpart M: Airman and Crewmember Requirements FAR 121: Training Programs and Crewmember Qualifications Air Carrier Flight and Duty Time Limitations Airplanes Used in Part 121 Operations Airworthiness Requirements Instrument and Equipment Requirements Dispatching and Flight Release Rules FAR 121: Flight Operations FAR 121: Records, Reports and Record Keeping Requirements Maintenance Appendices End of Chapter Exam Answers
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Whether a Part 121 airline or a Part 135 charter operator, a company lives or dies by its compliance with the applicable Federal Aviation Regulations or FARs (14 CFR). Air Carrier Operations introduces students of aviation to the significant FARs affecting airline operations. Students and professionals gain an appreciation of the variety of regulatory issues involved in air carrier operations and gather the background information they need to identify relevant regulations and apply them A sophomore/junior level college text, ideal for Air Carrier Flight Operations or Airline Operations courses, this book examines the many regulations governing an air carrier and focuses primarily on Part 121 air carriers, though coverage includes Part 119 and relevant portions of Parts 135, 91 and 61 of the FAR. The text emphasizes Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight operations; therefore, students and pilots should have an instrument rating before undertaking study of this book. This book also provides excellent preparation for airline interviews and initial training. TABLE OF CONTENTS: What is an Air Carrier Operations Specifications: Development & Application Airline Organization: Required Management Positions Operating Manuals: Requirement For and Development of FAR 121: Subpart M: Airman and Crewmember Requirements FAR 121: Training Programs and Crewmember Qualifications Air Carrier Flight and Duty Time Limitations Airplanes Used in Part 121 Operations Airworthiness Requirements Instrument and Equipment Requirements Dispatching and Flight Release Rules FAR 121: Flight Operations FAR 121: Records, Reports and Record Keeping Requirements Maintenance Appendices End of Chapter Exam Answers
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