
Building Model Warships of the Iron and Steel Eras

  • Author:Peter Beisheim
  • Hardcover: 144 pages
  • Publisher: Naval Institute Press; 1st Edition edition (2002)
  • Language: English
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From nineteenth-century ironclads to the largest American carrier, this heavily-illustrated volume is a treasuretrove of information on modeling warships. Each of the ten chapters is written by a recognized expert who examines the challenges of recreating scale replicas ranging from static miniatures through large-scale working models. A sampling includes Philip Baggeley on the difficulties associated with delicate detailing on a very small scale; Erik Dyke analyzing the rapid technological developments of the Victorian era; Loren Perry explaining how basic kits can be converted into more advanced models; as well as chapters by David Jack, Stephen Henninger, David Merriman, Brian King, and editor Peter Beisheim on his superb static model of HMS Hood. The practical information, research tips; and bountiful illustrations make this compendium a must-have reference tool for model shipwrights everywhere.

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