
Chalks Ocean Airways
  • Chalks Ocean Airways

Chalks Ocean Airways

Chalks is the world's oldest scheduled airline, founded in 1911. Today it operates a fleet of Grumman G-73 Turbine Mallards on routes between Florida and the Bahamas as well as charter flights that include scenic overflights of Miami. In 2005 World Air Routes returned to Florida to film a brand new program. A video was filmed and released in 2001 however none of that footage was used on this new dvd which features the airline's current routes between Florida and the Bahamas as well as a very special scenic flight around the Miami area.
33,00 €
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Chalks is the world's oldest scheduled airline, founded in 1911. Today it operates a fleet of Grumman G-73 Turbine Mallards on routes between Florida and the Bahamas as well as charter flights that include scenic overflights of Miami. In 2005 World Air Routes returned to Florida to film a brand new program. A video was filmed and released in 2001 however none of that footage was used on this new dvd which features the airline's current routes between Florida and the Bahamas as well as a very special scenic flight around the Miami area.
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