
Druk Air BAE 146-100
  • Druk Air BAE 146-100

Druk Air BAE 146-100

First released on VHS in 2001, the Druk Air program returns on DVD 5 years later mostly because it offers a look at the spectacular and very unusual flying in and out of Paro, Bhutan. You are in the cockpit for 2 departures and 2 arrival at Paro in both directions of the runway, pilots explain what the special procedure is. You will also fly to 5 of the airline's destinations in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Thailand and observe the BAe146 arriving and departing from the runway. Also included are view from around the country.
33,00 €
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First released on VHS in 2001, the Druk Air program returns on DVD 5 years later mostly because it offers a look at the spectacular and very unusual flying in and out of Paro, Bhutan. You are in the cockpit for 2 departures and 2 arrival at Paro in both directions of the runway, pilots explain what the special procedure is. You will also fly to 5 of the airline's destinations in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Thailand and observe the BAe146 arriving and departing from the runway. Also included are view from around the country.
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