
Advanced Equipment
  • Advanced Equipment

Advanced Equipment

Includes: High Performance Single Engine Multiengine Turbochargers & Flight Level Flying Autopilots If there's one thing we've learned about aviation education, it's that learning never stops - whether you are a student pilot or an ATP. Sporty's Air Facts® DVD Video Series addresses this fact with host Richard L. Collins, a renowned aviation journalist with thousands of hours of experience in a variety of general aviation aircraft. In each program, Collins presents the knowledge and ingenuity acquired through years of real-world flying and teaches you how to apply the same veteran skills and hard-learned techniques. 35 informative programs on 9 DVD's teach you to manage the risks of flight and increase the safety factor in whatever type flying you do. So keep learning! You'll end up a better, smoother, SAFER pilot regardless of the certificates you hold. Air Facts: Advanced Equipment Includes 4 Air Facts Titles High Performance Single Engine -Learn how to handle the additional duties and distractions that come with a high performance, complex aircraft. Master the techniques and procedures that will help ensure safety when flying these, fast, capable airplanes. (27 min.) Multiengine - Examines ways to manage the risks inherent to flying a twin. A big part of it is in understanding what the airplane will and will not do after the failure of one engine. Whether you currently operate a multiengine airplane or are just getting your multiengine rating this is an excellent video. (30 min.) Turbochargers & Flight Level Flying -The additional power of a turbocharged airplane means altitudes of FL180 and above are suddenly available. Examine the mechanics of the turbocharger system as well as the engine management considerations that follow. Also covers basic operating tips, weather factors, high altitude flight planning and much more. (33 min.) Autopilots - Proper use of the autopilot not only provides an extra margin of safety in instrument conditions, it can actually improve your own flying skills. And the increasing complexity and integration between the autopilot and on-board navigation equipment make a thorough checkout imperative. Examines the finer points of flying with the autopilot and offers basic operating tips for smooth, safe operation. (28 min.)
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Includes: High Performance Single Engine Multiengine Turbochargers & Flight Level Flying Autopilots If there's one thing we've learned about aviation education, it's that learning never stops - whether you are a student pilot or an ATP. Sporty's Air Facts® DVD Video Series addresses this fact with host Richard L. Collins, a renowned aviation journalist with thousands of hours of experience in a variety of general aviation aircraft. In each program, Collins presents the knowledge and ingenuity acquired through years of real-world flying and teaches you how to apply the same veteran skills and hard-learned techniques. 35 informative programs on 9 DVD's teach you to manage the risks of flight and increase the safety factor in whatever type flying you do. So keep learning! You'll end up a better, smoother, SAFER pilot regardless of the certificates you hold. Air Facts: Advanced Equipment Includes 4 Air Facts Titles High Performance Single Engine -Learn how to handle the additional duties and distractions that come with a high performance, complex aircraft. Master the techniques and procedures that will help ensure safety when flying these, fast, capable airplanes. (27 min.) Multiengine - Examines ways to manage the risks inherent to flying a twin. A big part of it is in understanding what the airplane will and will not do after the failure of one engine. Whether you currently operate a multiengine airplane or are just getting your multiengine rating this is an excellent video. (30 min.) Turbochargers & Flight Level Flying -The additional power of a turbocharged airplane means altitudes of FL180 and above are suddenly available. Examine the mechanics of the turbocharger system as well as the engine management considerations that follow. Also covers basic operating tips, weather factors, high altitude flight planning and much more. (33 min.) Autopilots - Proper use of the autopilot not only provides an extra margin of safety in instrument conditions, it can actually improve your own flying skills. And the increasing complexity and integration between the autopilot and on-board navigation equipment make a thorough checkout imperative. Examines the finer points of flying with the autopilot and offers basic operating tips for smooth, safe operation. (28 min.)
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