


CENTAURI SU TORINO by Giancarlo Garello is the outcome of many years of research. It tells the feats of the Squadriglia Montefusco, re-named Squadriglia Bonet in memory of its founder, which operated with the FIAT G-55 Centauro fighters in defense of the North Italy’s cities, during the last stages of the 2nd World War (R.S.I., Repubblica Sociale Italiana)). This second edition of the book, published the first time with great success back in 1998, has been fully revised and enlarged with two additional chapters. The text has been renewed and many new photos have been added, most of which never published before. The author starts the story from the aerial fighting occurred on 29th March, 1944, supplying a very detailed report of the battle, then tracing the story of the Group up to its merging with Visconti’s First Fighting Group. The text is in Italian only, but the quality and nature of the photographs make this book a must for anyone interested in the history of the R.S.I. aviation. The book consists of 304 pages (high-quality gloss paper cm. 20 x 28, with more than 300 b&w photos.
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CENTAURI SU TORINO by Giancarlo Garello is the outcome of many years of research. It tells the feats of the Squadriglia Montefusco, re-named Squadriglia Bonet in memory of its founder, which operated with the FIAT G-55 Centauro fighters in defense of the North Italy’s cities, during the last stages of the 2nd World War (R.S.I., Repubblica Sociale Italiana)). This second edition of the book, published the first time with great success back in 1998, has been fully revised and enlarged with two additional chapters. The text has been renewed and many new photos have been added, most of which never published before. The author starts the story from the aerial fighting occurred on 29th March, 1944, supplying a very detailed report of the battle, then tracing the story of the Group up to its merging with Visconti’s First Fighting Group. The text is in Italian only, but the quality and nature of the photographs make this book a must for anyone interested in the history of the R.S.I. aviation. The book consists of 304 pages (high-quality gloss paper cm. 20 x 28, with more than 300 b&w photos.
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