
Messerschmitt Me 262 - The A version
  • Messerschmitt Me 262 - The A version

Messerschmitt Me 262 - The A version

This new book is the third of a multi-volume series covering the complete history of Germany’s legendary World War II jet fighter, the Messerschmitt Me 262. Featured here are the Me 262 “A” series types from the A-1a jabo through the A-5 and including bomber, recon, night-fighter and other variants. Forthcoming volumes in the series will cover additional production types and unusual design versions. Size: 11"x81/4" Illustrations: over 400 b/w photographs, drawings, and charts Pages: 200 Binding: Hard Cover
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This new book is the third of a multi-volume series covering the complete history of Germany’s legendary World War II jet fighter, the Messerschmitt Me 262. Featured here are the Me 262 “A” series types from the A-1a jabo through the A-5 and including bomber, recon, night-fighter and other variants. Forthcoming volumes in the series will cover additional production types and unusual design versions. Size: 11"x81/4" Illustrations: over 400 b/w photographs, drawings, and charts Pages: 200 Binding: Hard Cover
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