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  • Messerschmitt Roulette

Messerschmitt Roulette

An excellent read! Only rarely does an airman have the ability to so communicate his experiences that the reader sweats through them with him. Geoffrey Morley-Mower ranks right at the top with only a handful of such men. The grit, grime, tension and raw fear of having to fly when completely exhausted and lacking enough sleep comes through over and over again. This is sterling writing, a marvelous read. For the first time we have a clearly honest account of the war from a recce pilot's viewpoint. Seeing the desert war from this vantage point was a unique experience for me. The book gives you a real feel for the pressure of such dangerous flying under which some men understandably broke
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An excellent read! Only rarely does an airman have the ability to so communicate his experiences that the reader sweats through them with him. Geoffrey Morley-Mower ranks right at the top with only a handful of such men. The grit, grime, tension and raw fear of having to fly when completely exhausted and lacking enough sleep comes through over and over again. This is sterling writing, a marvelous read. For the first time we have a clearly honest account of the war from a recce pilot's viewpoint. Seeing the desert war from this vantage point was a unique experience for me. The book gives you a real feel for the pressure of such dangerous flying under which some men understandably broke
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