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Helmut Wick

Major Helmut Wick failed to return from a mission over the English Channel on 28 November 1940 and is listed as missing to this day. This fate ended a picture book military and flying career. In just three months Helmut Wick had risen from Oberleutnant and Staffelkapit䮠to Kommodore of the tradition-rich Jagd-geschwader ?Richthofen? Nr. 2 and with fifty-six victories had become the leading German fighter pilot. At the time he was the youngest Major and Geschwader-kommodore in the Luftwaffe. With statements from witnesses, including former foes, and with more than 220 photographs and documents, some never before published, Herbert Ringlstetter has created a true picture of Helmut Wick. Not only was he a daring and highly-decorated fighter pilot, but the father of two children and a husband who left behind a grieving wife. The photographic account is supplemented by color profiles of the aircraft flown by Helmut Wick and his opponents. Illustrations: over 220 b/w and color photographs and aircraft profiles Pages: 160 Availability: Now Available Binding: Hard Cover
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Major Helmut Wick failed to return from a mission over the English Channel on 28 November 1940 and is listed as missing to this day. This fate ended a picture book military and flying career. In just three months Helmut Wick had risen from Oberleutnant and Staffelkapit䮠to Kommodore of the tradition-rich Jagd-geschwader ?Richthofen? Nr. 2 and with fifty-six victories had become the leading German fighter pilot. At the time he was the youngest Major and Geschwader-kommodore in the Luftwaffe. With statements from witnesses, including former foes, and with more than 220 photographs and documents, some never before published, Herbert Ringlstetter has created a true picture of Helmut Wick. Not only was he a daring and highly-decorated fighter pilot, but the father of two children and a husband who left behind a grieving wife. The photographic account is supplemented by color profiles of the aircraft flown by Helmut Wick and his opponents. Illustrations: over 220 b/w and color photographs and aircraft profiles Pages: 160 Availability: Now Available Binding: Hard Cover
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