
Investigating Human Error
  • Investigating Human Error

Investigating Human Error

Investigating Human Error: Incidents, Accidents, and Complex Systems: Incidents, Accidents and Complex Systems Product Description This volume presents a method to investigate the human performance issues associated with an accident or incident, with a detailed discussion of the types of data to collect, and methods of collecting and analyzing data. The book should be of interest to accident/incident investigators, specialists in nuclear, chemical processing, aviation and other critical industries, safety experts, researchers and students in the field of human error, human factors, ergonomics and industrial engineering, and government agencies for regulation, health and safety. Product Details * Softcover 350 pages * Publisher: Ashgate Pub Ltd (August 2002) * Language: English
44,00 €
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Investigating Human Error: Incidents, Accidents, and Complex Systems: Incidents, Accidents and Complex Systems Product Description This volume presents a method to investigate the human performance issues associated with an accident or incident, with a detailed discussion of the types of data to collect, and methods of collecting and analyzing data. The book should be of interest to accident/incident investigators, specialists in nuclear, chemical processing, aviation and other critical industries, safety experts, researchers and students in the field of human error, human factors, ergonomics and industrial engineering, and government agencies for regulation, health and safety. Product Details * Softcover 350 pages * Publisher: Ashgate Pub Ltd (August 2002) * Language: English
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