
Iraqi Air Power Reborn
  • Iraqi Air Power Reborn

Iraqi Air Power Reborn

Title Iraqi Air Power Reborn, The Iraqi air arms since 2004 - Authors Arnaud Delalande ISBN 978-0-9854554-7-7 Size 21x28cm, softcover Volume 80 pages with 51 colour and 5 black & white pictures, 33 tables and one map Weight 0.4kg Publication date 21 April 2016 Iraqi Air Power Reborn provides the most authoritative account of the Iraqi air arms in the years following Operation Iraqi Freedom. In the space of over a decade since Harpia Publishing presented its groundbreaking and ever-popular Iraqi Fighters, the Iraqi Air Force has undergone an unprecedented transformation. Having been almost entirely decimated by coalition air strikes in 2003, and during the insurgency that followed, Baghdad has set about rebuilding its air power from scratch. This book summarises the history of the Iraqi Air Force and its various incarnations until 2003 before detailing the efforts to establish a new-look Air Force, which began with training formations, before adding transport and reconnaissance squadrons, and finally attack and fighter squadrons. Coverage also extends to Iraqi Army Aviation, and its various transport, special operations, armed reconnaissance and attack squadrons, as well as the latest air operations against the so-called Islamic State.
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Title Iraqi Air Power Reborn, The Iraqi air arms since 2004 - Authors Arnaud Delalande ISBN 978-0-9854554-7-7 Size 21x28cm, softcover Volume 80 pages with 51 colour and 5 black & white pictures, 33 tables and one map Weight 0.4kg Publication date 21 April 2016 Iraqi Air Power Reborn provides the most authoritative account of the Iraqi air arms in the years following Operation Iraqi Freedom. In the space of over a decade since Harpia Publishing presented its groundbreaking and ever-popular Iraqi Fighters, the Iraqi Air Force has undergone an unprecedented transformation. Having been almost entirely decimated by coalition air strikes in 2003, and during the insurgency that followed, Baghdad has set about rebuilding its air power from scratch. This book summarises the history of the Iraqi Air Force and its various incarnations until 2003 before detailing the efforts to establish a new-look Air Force, which began with training formations, before adding transport and reconnaissance squadrons, and finally attack and fighter squadrons. Coverage also extends to Iraqi Army Aviation, and its various transport, special operations, armed reconnaissance and attack squadrons, as well as the latest air operations against the so-called Islamic State.
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