
Luftwaffe, The, From Training School to the Front. of Illustrate
  • Luftwaffe, The, From Training School to the Front. of Illustrate

Luftwaffe, The, From Training School to the Front. of Illustrate

This new large format photo collection covers Luftwaffe aircraft from the years 1933-1945 and includes chapters on: Pilot Training Schools, Reconnaissance Units, Fighter Units, Zerstorer(Destroyer) Units, Bomber Units, Dive Bomber and Close Support Units, Transport Units, Naval Aviation Units, Miscellaneous Units, and Captured Aircraft. Emphasis is placed on details of unit emblems, codes and markings on a variety of war fronts, and aircraft. . 225 x 285. P. 288. Foto b.n. (***).
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This new large format photo collection covers Luftwaffe aircraft from the years 1933-1945 and includes chapters on: Pilot Training Schools, Reconnaissance Units, Fighter Units, Zerstorer(Destroyer) Units, Bomber Units, Dive Bomber and Close Support Units, Transport Units, Naval Aviation Units, Miscellaneous Units, and Captured Aircraft. Emphasis is placed on details of unit emblems, codes and markings on a variety of war fronts, and aircraft. . 225 x 285. P. 288. Foto b.n. (***).
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