
068 - Bristol Brigand
  • 068 - Bristol Brigand

068 - Bristol Brigand

Warpaint No.68: Bristol Brigand, including Buckingham and Buckmaster The Brigand completed the series of twin-engined bombers designed by Bristol, starting in pre-war days, with the Blenheim The last three of these were linked in that they had a common denominator in the successor to the Beaufighter in the Buckingham. Regrettably this came too late for service in World War 2 and was in the main cancelled along with a number of other good aircraft types at that time. The Buckmaster, developed at the same time was a side-by-side two-seat trainer which had the armament deleted and was originally to be the introduction to the bomber. But many of these were converted into fast transports as well as being trainers for the last of the line, namely the Brigand. Brigands looked considerably different from the Buckingham having an all glazed canopy in which the crew sat in tandem, and only nose armament apart from a .50 cal. machine gun firing rearward in the very first versions. The Brigand was also intended as a torpedo bomber but this idea was not continued although a number did enter Coastal Command in that role. The Brigand saw exemplary service in both the Middle and Far East particularly in Malaya. Written by Tony Buttler the latest Warpaint has all three aircraft described and illustrated in colour side views by Richard J.Caruana. Unique 1:72nd scale plans are also included as well as lists of squadron and unit use and production details.
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Warpaint No.68: Bristol Brigand, including Buckingham and Buckmaster The Brigand completed the series of twin-engined bombers designed by Bristol, starting in pre-war days, with the Blenheim The last three of these were linked in that they had a common denominator in the successor to the Beaufighter in the Buckingham. Regrettably this came too late for service in World War 2 and was in the main cancelled along with a number of other good aircraft types at that time. The Buckmaster, developed at the same time was a side-by-side two-seat trainer which had the armament deleted and was originally to be the introduction to the bomber. But many of these were converted into fast transports as well as being trainers for the last of the line, namely the Brigand. Brigands looked considerably different from the Buckingham having an all glazed canopy in which the crew sat in tandem, and only nose armament apart from a .50 cal. machine gun firing rearward in the very first versions. The Brigand was also intended as a torpedo bomber but this idea was not continued although a number did enter Coastal Command in that role. The Brigand saw exemplary service in both the Middle and Far East particularly in Malaya. Written by Tony Buttler the latest Warpaint has all three aircraft described and illustrated in colour side views by Richard J.Caruana. Unique 1:72nd scale plans are also included as well as lists of squadron and unit use and production details.
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