
120. Le Pere Lusac II
  • 120. Le Pere Lusac II

120 - Le Pere Lusac II

120. Le Pere Lusac II The Le Pere Lusac 11 is an unusual but fascinating US warplane that spawned a large number of derivatives. Colin Owers’ 1:48 and 1:72 scale drawings accompany this unique monograph which includes over 60 rare archive photos, ten colour close-ups (including cockpit views) and extra colour profiles by Ronny Bar - one of which is a rare camouflaged example that used pink as the predominant colour! With superb colour art by Robert Karr and detailed specifications, this is another ‘must-have’ reference for any WWI library.
21,00 €
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120. Le Pere Lusac II The Le Pere Lusac 11 is an unusual but fascinating US warplane that spawned a large number of derivatives. Colin Owers’ 1:48 and 1:72 scale drawings accompany this unique monograph which includes over 60 rare archive photos, ten colour close-ups (including cockpit views) and extra colour profiles by Ronny Bar - one of which is a rare camouflaged example that used pink as the predominant colour! With superb colour art by Robert Karr and detailed specifications, this is another ‘must-have’ reference for any WWI library.
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