
126. Albatros C.XII
  • 126. Albatros C.XII

126 - Albatros C.XII

126. Albatros C.XII With the help of his many colleagues, Peter Grosz’s last DATAFILE - on the Albatros C.XII - is now published. Over 70 rare photos - including detailed powerplant images - combine with a detailed narrative, five pages of 1:72 /1:48 scale plans, colour profiles and markings data. This volume covers the Albatros-built version of the C.XII; a further volume, covering licence-built C.XIIs.
21,50 €
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126. Albatros C.XII With the help of his many colleagues, Peter Grosz’s last DATAFILE - on the Albatros C.XII - is now published. Over 70 rare photos - including detailed powerplant images - combine with a detailed narrative, five pages of 1:72 /1:48 scale plans, colour profiles and markings data. This volume covers the Albatros-built version of the C.XII; a further volume, covering licence-built C.XIIs.

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