


THE tubby 1916/17 Vickers Bullets come under the spotlight in this unique monograph by Colin Owers with exclusive contributions by a team of Russian aero-historians. The history of the major Bullet variants:ES.1,FB.19 Mks.I and II,is chronicled,supported by over 60 photos of RFC Bullets based at home and overseas. Marat Khairulin relates the combat flights of the Russian Bullets with a further 20 photos, very few of which have been published before. Martin Digmayer provides seven pages of detailed 1-48/ 1-72 scale plans for the ES.1 Mk.II,FB.19 Mk.I and FB.19 Mk.II,whilst Ronny Bar contributes nine superb colour profiles that present both British and Russian examples. In addition there are colour notes and exhaustive tabular data.This new DATAFILE is likely to remain the last word on these relatively unsung fighters of WWI. 32 pages plus full colour covers.
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THE tubby 1916/17 Vickers Bullets come under the spotlight in this unique monograph by Colin Owers with exclusive contributions by a team of Russian aero-historians. The history of the major Bullet variants:ES.1,FB.19 Mks.I and II,is chronicled,supported by over 60 photos of RFC Bullets based at home and overseas. Marat Khairulin relates the combat flights of the Russian Bullets with a further 20 photos, very few of which have been published before. Martin Digmayer provides seven pages of detailed 1-48/ 1-72 scale plans for the ES.1 Mk.II,FB.19 Mk.I and FB.19 Mk.II,whilst Ronny Bar contributes nine superb colour profiles that present both British and Russian examples. In addition there are colour notes and exhaustive tabular data.This new DATAFILE is likely to remain the last word on these relatively unsung fighters of WWI. 32 pages plus full colour covers.
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