


THE 1917 Admiralty flying boat was one of several WWI designs by the talented Harris Booth and it became the best-known and most successful of them. Colin presents the wartime history of the type as well as its post-war use in several nations with a rare collection of over 45 archive photos that embrace not only the original AD, but also the reconfigured Channel boats that followed. Both are fully covered in the narrative and across a dozen pages of detailed 1:72 and 1: 48 scale drawings by Marty Digmayer, plus there are nine exotic new colour profiles by Ronny Bar. With a stirring Paul Monteagle cover painting, our 159th DATAFILE is a unique addition to our long-running series.
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THE 1917 Admiralty flying boat was one of several WWI designs by the talented Harris Booth and it became the best-known and most successful of them. Colin presents the wartime history of the type as well as its post-war use in several nations with a rare collection of over 45 archive photos that embrace not only the original AD, but also the reconfigured Channel boats that followed. Both are fully covered in the narrative and across a dozen pages of detailed 1:72 and 1: 48 scale drawings by Marty Digmayer, plus there are nine exotic new colour profiles by Ronny Bar. With a stirring Paul Monteagle cover painting, our 159th DATAFILE is a unique addition to our long-running series.
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