
160. Nieuport Nighthawk
  • 160. Nieuport Nighthawk

160 - Nieuport Nighthawk

HAD the 'Great War' continued into 1919,the radial -engined Nieuport Nighthawk may well have ousted the Sopwith Snipe as the Royal Air Force's premier Front-line fighter. It was not to be: a few examples went out to the Middle East,others were converted to air racers,yet more went to the Japanese Navy for shipborne trials.All of this and more is chronicled by Colin Owers in our 160th DATAFILE that includes over 70 rare archive photos.There are also detailed 1:48 and 1: 72 scale plans;airframe sketches, and superb colour profiles by Ronny Bar illustrating nine colourful examples of Nighthawks and variants from 1918-1923-all topped off by Paul Monteagle's brilliant cover painting!
23,50 €
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HAD the 'Great War' continued into 1919,the radial -engined Nieuport Nighthawk may well have ousted the Sopwith Snipe as the Royal Air Force's premier Front-line fighter. It was not to be: a few examples went out to the Middle East,others were converted to air racers,yet more went to the Japanese Navy for shipborne trials.All of this and more is chronicled by Colin Owers in our 160th DATAFILE that includes over 70 rare archive photos.There are also detailed 1:48 and 1: 72 scale plans;airframe sketches, and superb colour profiles by Ronny Bar illustrating nine colourful examples of Nighthawks and variants from 1918-1923-all topped off by Paul Monteagle's brilliant cover painting!
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