
  • 165. THE RAF BE2E AT WAR!


To coincide with the arrival and display in the UK of two airworthy reproductions from New Zealand's TVAL in the Summer, we return to this British two-seat classic for our 165th DATAFILE! This heavily-illustrated monograph is written by Paul Hare who has made a special study of Royal Aircraft Factory designs in WWI;for his new monograph he traces the wartime service of the type and also its derivatives,the BE2f and BE2g. Laden with over 65 archive images,scale plans to 1:48 and 1:72 by the late Ian Stair and three new colour profiles from Ronny Bar,this 32 page study includes over 16 colour pages with many close-ups of the new repro's that provide unique reference and detailed coverage for all modellers of these tractable biplanes. Plus detailed colour notes, a wartime pilot's experiences of the type,with detailed appendices, this new DATAFILE is the perfect one-stop documentation!
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To coincide with the arrival and display in the UK of two airworthy reproductions from New Zealand's TVAL in the Summer, we return to this British two-seat classic for our 165th DATAFILE! This heavily-illustrated monograph is written by Paul Hare who has made a special study of Royal Aircraft Factory designs in WWI;for his new monograph he traces the wartime service of the type and also its derivatives,the BE2f and BE2g. Laden with over 65 archive images,scale plans to 1:48 and 1:72 by the late Ian Stair and three new colour profiles from Ronny Bar,this 32 page study includes over 16 colour pages with many close-ups of the new repro's that provide unique reference and detailed coverage for all modellers of these tractable biplanes. Plus detailed colour notes, a wartime pilot's experiences of the type,with detailed appendices, this new DATAFILE is the perfect one-stop documentation!
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