
Nieuport 28
  • Nieuport 28

Nieuport 28

The first squadrons of American-trained fighter pilots to enter combat in April 1918 during World War I were equipped with the Nieuport 28. Douglas Campbell, Jimmy Meissner, and Eddie Rickenbacker, were among those who cut their teeth on the Nieuport 28 fighter and gained the experience, skills, and confidence necessary to survive and succeed in aerial combat. This book provides an exhaustive history of the Nieuport 28, from its design inception in 1917, through its combat service with the U.S. Air Service, and into the postwar era. Replete with pilot reports, maps, over 400 photographs, and specially commissioned technical drawings and color profiles this book is a fitting testament to the Nieuport 28.
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The first squadrons of American-trained fighter pilots to enter combat in April 1918 during World War I were equipped with the Nieuport 28. Douglas Campbell, Jimmy Meissner, and Eddie Rickenbacker, were among those who cut their teeth on the Nieuport 28 fighter and gained the experience, skills, and confidence necessary to survive and succeed in aerial combat. This book provides an exhaustive history of the Nieuport 28, from its design inception in 1917, through its combat service with the U.S. Air Service, and into the postwar era. Replete with pilot reports, maps, over 400 photographs, and specially commissioned technical drawings and color profiles this book is a fitting testament to the Nieuport 28.
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