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The Debden Warbirds
  • The Debden Warbirds

The Debden Warbirds

The 4th Fighter Group in WWII Speer. P-51s of the 4th Fighter Group were the first to escort bombers over Berlin as well as from England to Russia. At war’s end they had made over 1,000 enemy kills. The book details everyday operations of the famous group from their Eagle Squadron beginnings to their unprecedented accomplishments. Sources include squadron diaries and personal accounts. 224 pgs., 170 photos, 8½"x 11", hdbd #0002294
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The 4th Fighter Group in WWII Speer. P-51s of the 4th Fighter Group were the first to escort bombers over Berlin as well as from England to Russia. At war’s end they had made over 1,000 enemy kills. The book details everyday operations of the famous group from their Eagle Squadron beginnings to their unprecedented accomplishments. Sources include squadron diaries and personal accounts. 224 pgs., 170 photos, 8½"x 11", hdbd #0002294
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