
The Pilot's Air Traffic Control Handbook
  • The Pilot's Air Traffic Control Handbook

The Pilot's Air Traffic Control Handbook

Product Description For the many recreational pilots who find themselves flying out of their way to avoid controlled airspaces...reluctant to make use of the optional ATC services or uncertain about the protocol of contacting the ATC tower, this book offers the solutions. Paul Illman, an expert in the field, takes pilots through the ins and outs of using the ATC system, clearly and simply. He explains the airspace system fully from operating over Class B and C airports...to flight service stations and the air route traffic control centers. This best-selling volume in the Practical Flying Series, fully updated with the latest regulations and new chapters on VFR use of ATC, will give the VFR-rated pilot the confidence needed to negotiate any airspace and land at any airport like a pro. From the Back Cover The best VFR pilot's guide to flying smartly and safely in today's ATC system. Are you reluctant to fly into controlled airspaces or major airports? Unsure of the protocol for talking to air traffic controllers? Hesitant to use optional ATC services? The air traffic control system belongs to all pilots, not just the commercial and military aviators. And using the ATC system like a professional can save time, money...and lives. Find out for yourself how easy and helpful today's ATC system really is. Let this book guide you through: essential rules and procedures; flying in special-use airspace; operating in the Class B, D, E, and G airspaces and airports; correct radio use and teminology; using flight service stations (flight plans, position reporting); handling emergencies by using the air traffic system; operating in busy traffic areas; and much more. Case studies of accidents and incidents caused by the nonuse or misuse of the ATC system complete the picture. The Third Edition also includes completely updated regulations and a glossary of abbreviations and acronyms. This bestselling volume in the Practical Flying Series is essential fo every pilot's bookshelf. Product Details * Paperback: 304 pages * Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing; 3 edition (January 31, 1999) * Language: English
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Product Description For the many recreational pilots who find themselves flying out of their way to avoid controlled airspaces...reluctant to make use of the optional ATC services or uncertain about the protocol of contacting the ATC tower, this book offers the solutions. Paul Illman, an expert in the field, takes pilots through the ins and outs of using the ATC system, clearly and simply. He explains the airspace system fully from operating over Class B and C airports...to flight service stations and the air route traffic control centers. This best-selling volume in the Practical Flying Series, fully updated with the latest regulations and new chapters on VFR use of ATC, will give the VFR-rated pilot the confidence needed to negotiate any airspace and land at any airport like a pro. From the Back Cover The best VFR pilot's guide to flying smartly and safely in today's ATC system. Are you reluctant to fly into controlled airspaces or major airports? Unsure of the protocol for talking to air traffic controllers? Hesitant to use optional ATC services? The air traffic control system belongs to all pilots, not just the commercial and military aviators. And using the ATC system like a professional can save time, money...and lives. Find out for yourself how easy and helpful today's ATC system really is. Let this book guide you through: essential rules and procedures; flying in special-use airspace; operating in the Class B, D, E, and G airspaces and airports; correct radio use and teminology; using flight service stations (flight plans, position reporting); handling emergencies by using the air traffic system; operating in busy traffic areas; and much more. Case studies of accidents and incidents caused by the nonuse or misuse of the ATC system complete the picture. The Third Edition also includes completely updated regulations and a glossary of abbreviations and acronyms. This bestselling volume in the Practical Flying Series is essential fo every pilot's bookshelf. Product Details * Paperback: 304 pages * Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing; 3 edition (January 31, 1999) * Language: English
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