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By Hugh Collis, Freelance transport and engineering consultant, London, U.K. Description Transport, Engineering and Architecture is the second book in a series which explores the relationship between engineering and architecture. Divided into chapters devoted to themes such as planning transport systems, bridges, airport and aviation, this book helps today's engineers and architects meet the ongoing challenges of a fast moving and expanding business. Since the nineteenth century and the arrival of mass travel, the need for transport architecture has spawned some of the most impressive structures of recent times. As all forms of travel - air, rail, road and water - continue to expand, the ever-growing numbers of passengers and carriers moving around the world present new tests for architects and engineers. The book is produced in association with Arup, the largest firm of consulting engineers in the world. Audience Professional structural and civil engineers, architects, planners and designs. Students in these disciplines. Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction; Chapter 2 - Planning and Managing Transport Systems, with case studies including TGV Mediterranee (France) and Ho Chi Minh City Traffic Master Plan; Chapter 3 - Bridges and Civil Engineering, with case studies including Oresund Bridge (Denmark) and Millennium Bridge (UK); Chapter 4 - Airports and Aviation, with case studies including Terminal 4 of JFK Airport NY (USA) and Lester Pearson Airport Terminal Toronto (Canada); Chapter 5 - Railways, with case studies including Penn Station NY (USA) and Hong Kong Airport Railway; Chapter 6 - Interchanges, with case studies including Arnhem Station (Netherlands) and Paddington Station London (UK); Chapter 7 - Road Transport, with case studies including Downtown Brooklyn Traffic Calming Project (USA) and RAC Control Centre (UK)
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By Hugh Collis, Freelance transport and engineering consultant, London, U.K. Description Transport, Engineering and Architecture is the second book in a series which explores the relationship between engineering and architecture. Divided into chapters devoted to themes such as planning transport systems, bridges, airport and aviation, this book helps today's engineers and architects meet the ongoing challenges of a fast moving and expanding business. Since the nineteenth century and the arrival of mass travel, the need for transport architecture has spawned some of the most impressive structures of recent times. As all forms of travel - air, rail, road and water - continue to expand, the ever-growing numbers of passengers and carriers moving around the world present new tests for architects and engineers. The book is produced in association with Arup, the largest firm of consulting engineers in the world. Audience Professional structural and civil engineers, architects, planners and designs. Students in these disciplines. Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction; Chapter 2 - Planning and Managing Transport Systems, with case studies including TGV Mediterranee (France) and Ho Chi Minh City Traffic Master Plan; Chapter 3 - Bridges and Civil Engineering, with case studies including Oresund Bridge (Denmark) and Millennium Bridge (UK); Chapter 4 - Airports and Aviation, with case studies including Terminal 4 of JFK Airport NY (USA) and Lester Pearson Airport Terminal Toronto (Canada); Chapter 5 - Railways, with case studies including Penn Station NY (USA) and Hong Kong Airport Railway; Chapter 6 - Interchanges, with case studies including Arnhem Station (Netherlands) and Paddington Station London (UK); Chapter 7 - Road Transport, with case studies including Downtown Brooklyn Traffic Calming Project (USA) and RAC Control Centre (UK)
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