
Uair - F100
  • Uair - F100

Uair - F100

Uair, the low cost airline of Uruguay, operates a fleet of Fokker 100s on flights from its main base at Montevideo Airport to destinations in Argentina and Brazil. On this program we fly in the cockpit of the F-100 to 3 destinations in Argentina and 3 destinations in Brazil. We follow the pilots at work, listen in to communications with Air Traffic Control, get explanations about the aircraft and flights and witness great scenery on the way. A couple of flights are filmed in the cabin and the dvd includes a brief tour of the city of Montevideo
33,00 €
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Uair, the low cost airline of Uruguay, operates a fleet of Fokker 100s on flights from its main base at Montevideo Airport to destinations in Argentina and Brazil. On this program we fly in the cockpit of the F-100 to 3 destinations in Argentina and 3 destinations in Brazil. We follow the pilots at work, listen in to communications with Air Traffic Control, get explanations about the aircraft and flights and witness great scenery on the way. A couple of flights are filmed in the cabin and the dvd includes a brief tour of the city of Montevideo
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